About Us
Central Sod Farms was established in 1976 on a small 20 acre farm in Wheatland, Illinois. A family operation from the start, Central Sod quickly grew to over 300 acres of sod production overseen by Dick Warpinski Sr. and his 9 children. The early days of sod production were slow and labor intensive, requiring year-round exertion to plant, maintain, harvest and deliver quality turf to Chicago's customers.

Above is a vintage picture showing some of Dick Sr.'s family in a sod field with an early delivery truck.
The 1980's and 90's brought continued growth and expansion to the family farm. Two of Dick Sr.'s sons moved to Maryland to open a sod operation that continues to serve the Mid-Atlantic market. The farms in Illinois continued to grow in both acreage and sales, eventually adding 4000 acres in sod and grain production.

Throughout the growth of the company, a strong emphasis on producing a quality product has paid back dividends to Central Sod's reputation. Landscapers know that their clients will be impressed by the beautiful grasses that Central Sod supplies. Homeowners turn to Central Sod for advice on growing an impeccable lawn. Sports Turf Managers know that fields sodded with Central Sod are ready for play sooner and perform better than other grasses.

Today, Central Sod is a national leader in sod production. Use of cutting edge technology developed in the past 10 years has enabled us to provide even better products. University selected blends mean that customers are always buying turf that is the top performer in the region. Sophisticated harvesters ensure fresh sod is cut only hours before delivery. As always, the quality of the final product is still paramount to everything that we at Central Sod do.