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Black Beauty® Seed

Jonathan Green

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$30.00 - $235.00
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Product Overview

Our Black Beauty Tall Fescue seed has a unique blend of tall fescues with good disease resistence. Once established, the grass exhibits a "shiny" look on the leaves. As with all Tall Fescues, Black Beauty will tolerate heat and dry conditions better than Kentucky Bluegrasses. Please Note: Tall Fescues have a wider leaf width compared to Kentucky Bluegrasses.

Tall Fescue Seed Types: 49% Dakota TF, 25% Taos TF, 25% Tombstone TF Seeds up to 1500 Sq. Ft.


  • Drought Tolerance
  • Darker Green Color
  • Waxy Leaf Coating
  • Grows in Lower pH Soils
  • Succumbs to Fewer Diseases & Recovers Faster

***Central Sod Farms Inc. reserves the right to substitute seed varieties due to availability. All substituted varieties and mixes will be of the same quality or better.